At the cutting edge of saw technology

At the cutting edge of saw technology

One Stop Sawing Shop | Next Day Blade Delivery
Enquiries and Support: 01706 225 221
Established in 1985 and initially operating in the North West we have expanded to cover the whole of the UK.
We keep what we believe is the UK’s largest stock of finished bandsaw blades – this enables us to maintain our next day service to you.
Our Automatic Weld Cell Facility has made a significant contribution to the quality of our products and to our production efficiency.
Our expert knowledge enables us to work closely with our customers to ensure we meet their individual requirements.
At Harrison Saw we offer a genuine "One Stop Sawing Shop". In addition to supplying all types of circular saw blades for all cutting conditions, we provide full sharpening and servicing for all blade types, offering a collection/delivery service throughout the UK.
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