One Stop Sawing Shop | Next Day Blade Delivery
Enquiries and Support: 01706 225 221
We were appointed as the UK agent for Wikus Bandsaw Blades in 1990. Wikus blades are used worldwide where the highest precision and maximum power is required. Like Harrisons, Wikus invest heavily in Research and Development, continually introducing new innovations to the metal sawing industry. This ensures our customers are guaranteed the very latest sawing technology.
Harrison supply a range of Bandsaw blades including:
Our blades are manufactured from a special bespoke 4% chrome backing material offering higher fatigue resistance, straightness and stability.
We produce blades to a much higher accuracy than the general industry standard in terms of weld accuracy and weld straightness, this we believe gives our blades the advantage in terms of straightness of cut and production life.
Whatever you are cutting we can provide the correct blade. In addition to our all purpose M42 bimetal blade we have specialist blade types for cutting specialist materials. New products such as our innovative SKALAR X3000 blade with its unique coating is now available for cutting difficult materials and offering higher production rates and long life. This is an economical alternative to carbide blades whilst out-performing the M42 blade.
The stock we hold if laid end to end would measure 180,000 metres / over 70 miles and the value is currently £1.3M which may seem excessive but with so many customers single sourcing with us it guarantees that we will never run out of coil stock and therefore never let our customers down.
When we automated our band welding system it gave us the opportunity to change from short 30m coils to the large factory production coils used at Wikus. We now mainly process coils 280/300m long and this has resulted in a lot less waste in our production facility and a substantial reduction in packaging, so we have made a contribution in becoming environmentally friendly.
In addition to our weld cells we have 2 automatic cut to length machines of our own design offering higher levels of accuracy in terms of length and pitch match, further adding to increase production efficiency. These machines can provide accurate tooth matching on blade widths from 27mm to 80mm.
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